Think Pink or The St.Valentine’s Conundrum

Freshly returned from a Vineyards of Hampshire tasting in London my mind naturally turns to St.Valentine’s Day. Now the connection may not be immediately obvious but do bear with me.

At this tasting were the bold, thrusting winegrowers of Hampshire showing off their beautifully crafted wines to members of the trade and press. Now you probably already know, or have guessed, that I’m a fan of English wines but even I, who kind of knew what to expect, was blown away by the complexity, style and elegance of the wines on offer.

One in particular that jumped up and grabbed me by the tastebuds was the Jenkyn Place Rosé. Made just 8 miles from our Milford shop this elegant, ultra-dry pink with its hints of strawberries and cream had me thinking of romantic, candle-lit liaisons and how well it would go down as a pre-prandial curtain-raiser.

Banish the thought, dear reader, that all rosés are semi-sweet, sickly affairs. English sparkling rosés have lost that “stage-door Johnny” image and are beautifully crafted, super-dry wines, perfect for slipping to the loved one on St.Valentine’s Day. See I got there.

Now choosing a wine for your Valentine shouldn’t have to tax your little grey cells or cause stress to cells of any hue at all. Pop down to our shop and see the great range of pink that we have, and for that matter sparkling white, we’ll be happy to guide you through any purchase and explain the differences between our wines.